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Whether it society or in literature female characters are always
marginalized. Here in Harry potter same thing happen with the Harmione’s
character. If we take look upon her character. We can say that she is
intelligent more than others. Ron says that they can’t survive without
Harmione. She proves her point with the logical arguments. In class her hand is
always raised while others not. It is believed that women are sensitive they
could not fight but in case of Harmione it is opposite. She is not sensitive
but she fights against all the difficulties.
Being a female writer Rowlling gives strength, power, and intellect to Harmione’s character. But is she a central character? No. Harry is the central character. Rowlling can give strength but she has to portray Harmione as accepted by the world rather than what she wants to portrayed. Potter is at the center because Harmione cannot do a cultural conflict & Rowlling could not allow her to do so. If female is the centre of the novel or movie than it is not popular. The reason is society is still patriarchal & it difficult to own by patriarchy.

Harry's decisions basically determined the fate of the world. of
course, all of the characters-not just Harry defined by their choices
throughout the series.
The Chamber of Secrets, when Riddlel Voldemort tells Harry that " it was merely a lucky chance that saved You." After he is told that Lily's sacrifice was the reason he had not been able to kill baby Harry. Dumbledore subsequently tells Harry that "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.Throughout the series , Voledemort continues to insist on chance as the cause of his downfall, right up to the bitter end.
The Chamber of Secrets, when Riddlel Voldemort tells Harry that " it was merely a lucky chance that saved You." After he is told that Lily's sacrifice was the reason he had not been able to kill baby Harry. Dumbledore subsequently tells Harry that "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.Throughout the series , Voledemort continues to insist on chance as the cause of his downfall, right up to the bitter end.
Dumbledore , by contrast,
insists on the importance of personal choice in determine outcomes, rather than
either chance or choice.Rowling has said that Dumbledore often speaks for her
and Voldemort certainly does not , so it seems that she would also belive in
choice rather than chance.

The basic understanding of Speculative literature means a world
created by the author in which the rules and regulations are convincing in that
world only. The rules may differ from our world in which we are live.
Speculative literature also have the element of supernatural powers and at some
extend the feeling of fear. Here J.K.Rowling has created the world of wizards
and witches which is convincing to that world only and as a reader we can inter
into that world through our imagination. It is true that Harry Potter is
speculative literature but as the story forwards it talks about the reality of
and death. And that is how J.K.Rowling is able to reach ‘Real’ literature
through her work. And the journey is of Harry Potter so he is the soul of this
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